Greetings to all in the WormCo family. This time of year, when most are looking forward to that succulent, 7% "I'm not sure what that solution is" turkey - those of us at WormCo are thankful to have so many wonderful employees, customers, and wormholders. That's why we've chosen to announce that each employee of WormCo will receive a complimentary "WormGiving" bonus of 40 mealworms. That's right! Mealworms!
As most of you will recall, WormCo launched the "Meal time? Worms? Eat Mealworms!" campaign in the mid 60s and now we are looking to bring mealworms back into the limelight. Mealworms offer 63% more protein and 4% of the calories of turkey - so why not just toss that ole dirty bird aside and eat your 40 mealworms on Thanksgiving day?
We understand it may be a break from tradition, but what would have happened if the Indians had never left their tents to join the Pilgrims for a bite? What would have happened if that 70s club owner in New York had never pasted 682 mirrors on a ball? What would have happened if Chuck Norris had chosen not to that worming demo at March AFB in California?
This WormGiving, as we say here at WormCo - enjoy your friends. Enjoy your families. Heck, even enjoy your 24 oz can of Steel Reserve. But most of all, my fellow wormtreprenuers, enjoy your worms.
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