Washington. Nevada. Arkansas. Maryland. Are they red states? No. Are they blue states? No. Green states all. GREEN STATES. The BigWorm/DaddyWorm ticket is picking up steam and you can be part of the WormCo revolution.
Ladies and Gentlemen....... can you feel it? The WormCo movement is growing. Put your ear to the tracks. Put your finger on the pulse. Remember the sizzle of Ryan's Steakhouse and Ryan's delicious soft serve desert bar? This is much more than that. But you have to go all in. You have to plop down that $6.99 of your soul to Jimmy the sweaty and mildly challenged young man in order to join the movement. That's the price my worm loving friends. But give in. Give yourself to total wormination and understand that WormCo = Unstoppable.
Are you hungry yet? Damn strait. WormCo is ready. Are you?
It is time. Time for Worm. Worm is good. Worm is ready, are you? Don't stop. Believin'. Ohhh whoa whaooooooooo....
No promises. No retreat. No surrender.
Soon. All we can say here at WormCo is soon. And right. And righteous. And soon-teous-right-ness. Come November you'll have a choice. And the choice will be and always shall remain.... WormCo.
Don't give up. Don't ever, ever... EVER give up.
Shirts for all '08.